
My name is Simon. I am an Exotic veterinarian in Australia.

I have done many different things as a vet including working in mixed practice, running a veterinary magazine for recent graduates, travelling as a nomad vet in the UK and doing a rotating internship. I used to be quite the generalist but there comes a time when you just want to learn and do more of what you’re really passionate about. In my case, cue the music… Exotic Medicine and Surgery. If this is something you are passionate about too, then you have come to the right place!

This is the Inquisitive Vet. A blog and podcast where we explore all aspects of Exotic medicine and surgery, and anything else I and followers of the IV podcast, find interesting. I have started this to help vets, nurses and students around the world to listen and learn from the best mentors and veterinary leaders at the forefront of veterinary medicine and technology today.

This blog is also a way for me to keep track of my veterinary journey and the insights and lessons I learn along the way. Please join me as we listen to some of the world’s best specialists and vets in Exotic medicine share their knowledge and experience across a wide array of different species.

Without further ado, hope you enjoy the IV Podcast!