Podcast Summary:
In this episode, I speak to Dr Neil Forbes about avian respiratory disease in parrots and how to stabilise the dyspnoeic bird. I also talk to Dr Forbes about vulture conservation in Africa and his new project with the Vulture Alliance.
Dr Neil Forbes is a Fellow and RCVS recognised specialist in Avian medicine. He is both a Diplomate and the past President of the European College of Zoological Medicine. He is also the former Head veterinarian at Great Western Exotic Vets but is now focusing his efforts on the conservation of endangered vultures with the Vulture Alliance.
Podcast Notes:
5.50 The approach to avian respiratory disease
22.53 How to test for chlamydia in birds
54.00 Vulture Conservation
Links & Resources:
- F10 disinfectant
- Duphalyte
- Lafebervet: Emeraid critical care supplements
- Save Asian Vultures from Extinctions (SAVES)
- RSPB Wildlife Charity
- Zoological Society of London
- Bonn Convention
- Bern Convention
- Birdlife International
- Endangered Wildlife Trust
- VulPro
- International Centre for Birds of Prey – Newest
- Storz endoscopes
- Wildlife Vets International
- South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB)
- Vulture Alliance
- Veterinary Instrumentation
- Current Therapy in Avian Medicine and Surgery, 1e – Dr Brian Speer
- Exotic Animal Medicine: A Quick Reference Guide, 2e – Dr Lance Jepson
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